What is there to say that everyone hasn't already said? Wow, will it ever be fixed? What will the lasting effects be? How are we as a nation going to recover? The questions go on and on and on. I only wish I had the answers.
I know the ecological impact is astounding. We are already hearing about the shrimp beds and how they are being destroyed. The tar balls pelting the coasts of various states in the US and various countries throughout the Gulf. British Petroleum will be spending years and years attempting to clean up the disaster. As we move into hurricane season, I can only imagine how much further the devastation will will spread.
The economical impact is phenomenal. We are already hearing reports from fisherman who are being run out of work. Gas prices have crept up a little, but how long till we get the big hit? Will British Petroleum help the work force out in the coastal states? I feel it is only right and their responsibilty to help those who are finding themselves out of work.
I know just last week, President Obama opened up 1.8 million acres of Alaskan wilderness for oil leases to help offset the oil loss in the Gulf. What will be next for America? We need to put our foot down against "Big Oil Companies."
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